PUI Mangrove USU


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Prof. Mohammad Basyuni, S.Hut, M.Si, Ph.D

COE For Mangrove, USU

Prof. Mohammad Basyuni, S.Hut, M.Si, Ph.D

Mohammad Basyuni, a renowned professor at the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), has been recognized for his outstanding contributions in the field of research and academia. In 2020, he received the World Class Professor Award Scheme B from the Ministry of Education and Culture, along with the Best Researcher 1 award at USU. Additionally, he was granted the JSPS Core to Core 2020-2023 award by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. In 2021, Prof. Basyuni achieved further recognition with The Selected Projects of The eASIA Joint Research Program award.

In an interview with usu.a.c.id, Prof. Basyuni expressed optimism about the improving research climate at USU. He highlighted the increasing number of grants received by USU lecturers, including those from the Ministry of Education and Technology, as well as other ministries such as Health and Finance. Prof. Basyuni’s own research group, focused on molecular research, has secured continued funding for the third year (2022-2023) through the Productive Innovative Research for International Cooperation (Rispro KI) program.

Prof. Basyuni emphasized the importance of research in the overall progress of the university, considering it an essential part of the Tri Dharma principle. He encouraged lecturers to develop long-term research roadmaps, both individually and in research groups, to ensure sustainability and the achievement of goals such as commercializing research results and collaborating with industries. Prof. Basyuni also emphasized the involvement of students in research projects, as they play a crucial role as partners within the scientific community on campus.

Reflecting on his personal experiences, Prof. Basyuni shared the success of his team in securing international grants, such as the JSPS Core to Core involving 10 countries and the National Geographic Grant, which enabled collaborative research on mangrove macrobenthos and management. He underscored the need for USU to establish international funding collaborations to enhance its global research presence and acknowledged the importance of recognizing lecturers’ achievements in obtaining international grants.

When asked about the key to success, Prof. Basyuni highlighted the importance of conducting research with the intention of worship and seeking the pleasure of Allah SWT. He emphasized the need for researchers to be trustworthy in delivering research outputs as proposed, ensuring funders’ satisfaction and avoiding discontinuation of funding. He encouraged lecturers to continually update their knowledge and skills in research methodologies and data analysis, keeping pace with advancements in the field.

Prof. Basyuni further encouraged students to recognize the support provided by the business world to researchers, starting from basic research and progressing towards applied research and development. He emphasized the significance of collaboration between researchers and the business world, not only in terms of financial support but also through the application of research results and the creation of milestones. Prof. Basyuni expressed the hope that collaboration would extend beyond monetary contributions, with the business world actively utilizing researchers’ findings and thereby motivating researchers to be more productive and gain recognition from the industry.

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