PUI Mangrove USU

Morphological Characters of Local Origin Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) Fruits and Seeds from Central Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Morphological Characters of Local Origin Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) Fruits and Seeds from Central Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia



Most of the diversity resource of durian was reported existing in Central Tapanuli. Due to local durian potential, germplasm needed to obtain information on the potential for superior cultivars. Here, we report our identification of morphology characteristics to the genetic relationship of local durian to determine the best durian. This research applied exploration study, interviews, descriptive, and qualitative identification. Research data were grouped based on similarity values using cluster analysis. Results showed that each local durian from Central Tapanuli had similar morphological characters, especially in the vegetative phase. Characters that show distant genetic relationships are fruit length, fruit diameter and seed weight. Other characters that depict close genetic relationship were the color of the fruit stalks and thorns’ presence in the fruit. Based on morphological characteristics, a dendrogram was drawn and formed into three clusters. The present study shows that 75 accessions of durian fruit detected in each location have a relatively close similarity distance. That similarity between durian accessions is influenced by interactions between genetic factors and the environment. This result can also be used for durian conservation aimed at collections as genetic resources to benefit durian breeding in expanding diversity.


Martha Adiwaty Sihaloho, Diana Sofia Hanafia, Elisa Julianti, Mohammad Basyuni




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